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14Th Annual Fann Cup On July 25 In Syracuse

For the 14th year, fans of the National Lacrosse League are coming together to celebrate their love of the sport while supporting charity at the same time.

The 2015 Fann Cup tournament, being held July 25, 2015 at the Central New York Family Sports Center, will again bring together NLL fans from Minnesota, Buffalo, Toronto, Philadelphia, and other current and former NLL cities. These fans will be coming together for friendship, fun, and to raise money for charities selected by the host team.

The Fann Cup Spirit will be hosting Fann Cup in Syracuse, and have selected 2 charities to raise money for. The first is Room2Smile, which was founded by Brandon Spillet and creates personal care packages with comfort items for people who have been recently diagnosed with cancer. The second is Central New York based Positively Pink Packages, who provide care packages and educational resources to those diagnosed with breast cancer.

The traveling single-day event is returning to New York state after being played in Chicago in 2014. The Lacrosstitues, a Toronto area team, won the 2014 Fann Cup. The “Buffasota Stingade” won the Spirit Cup after throwing their sticks in the middle during their scheduled game and creating a pair of mixed teams, playing in the true spirit of the Fann Cup event. Between the lacrosse tournament and the auction of various lacrosse and items of interest, money was raised for Demand a Cure Today, for finding a cure for cancer, and NW Recreation Association, a Chicago area rec program to help children with disabilities learn sports.

And while charity is the main reason for Fann Cup, friends from various current and former NLL cities (Boston, Chicago, Philapdelphia, and Minnesota are represented at Fann Cup) come together to catch up, spend time together, and have fun outside the NLL season.

Fann Cup has raised over $50,000 for various charities in 13 years.

For more information regarding Fann Cup, please visit http://www.fanncup.com
For information about Room2Smile, please visit https://www.foundationforupstate.org/Room2Smile
For information about Positively Pink Packages, please visit http://www.positivelypinkpackages.org