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Us Lacrosse Opens Application Process For 2019 U.S. Men’S Indoor Head Coach

SPARKS, Md. – US Lacrosse today announced the opening of the application period for head coach of the 2019 U.S. men’s national indoor team.

The head coach must have significant competitive lacrosse head coaching experience at the collegiate and/or professional level(s), and a demonstrated record of success as a coach and mentor to athletes. Once named, the head coach will assist in the selection process of a coaching and support staff, as well as the player selection process leading up to the final 23-man roster for the 2019 FIL World Indoor Lacrosse Championship.

Applications are due to US Lacrosse by Friday, Dec. 9, by mail, fax or email to Lance Basler, Manager of National Teams. Finalists will be notified by Dec. 19, with interviews taking place Jan. 21-22 at the US Lacrosse Convention in Baltimore. The head coach will be announced on Jan. 30. The position’s term of service extends from January 2017 through January 2020.

The U.S. men’s national indoor team will compete at the 2019 Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) World Indoor Lacrosse Championship (WILC), in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. In the most recent FIL championship, held in September 2015 in Onondaga Nation in Syracuse, N.Y., the United States won bronze with a 15-4 win over Israel. Team USA has earned bronze in each of the four WILC events (2003, 2007, 2011 and 2015). The 2015 championship saw Canada win its fourth gold medal over the Iroquois.

To be considered for head coach of the 2019 U.S. men’s national indoor team, please download an application, which is available as a PDF or Word document.